October Spotlight: Boyertown Area Multi-Service

October’s spotlight is on Boyertown Area Multi-Service.
The Boyertown Area Multi-Service is an independent social service agency that provides services and programs for the community including running the Senior Center, Meals on Wheels program, Preston’s Food Pantry, the Ricketts Center and case management. They have been operating for almost 50 years and are dedicated to meeting the needs and improving the lives of people in the surrounding communities.
Frank Buttaro, Jr., the Director of Development for the Boyertown Area Multi-Service, is responsible for raising money for the programs and services offered. The highlight of his day is when local businesses and corporations form new partnerships and relationships that really help to forward the cause. He shared with us that the team there are very dedicated to what they do every day and they work very well together to accomplish their goals and help everyone possible who is in need of the services offered.
For more information on the Boyertown Area Multi-Service and how you can help, please visit their website at http://www.boyertownareamulti-service.org/
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