Spring Yard Waste

It’s Officially Spring!
Time to get out and celebrate the warm weather and new growth. Of course, with that comes the next round of grass cutting, weeding and all of the other joys of springtime yard work.
Now that you have these piles of yard waste, what is the best way to recycle or dispose of them?
Depending on the type of yard waste you will have to dispose of, there are a few different options. When it comes to grass clippings, try grass-cycling! Grass-cycling the process of mulching the grass clippings right back into your lawn. This process not only helps to keep it healthy and growing by returning necessary nutrients and moisture, but also requires minimal effort. There is no need to rake, bag and move those bags around. Simply mow the grass with the mulcher setting and walk away.
For weeds, leaves and other green (or former green) debris, try making a compost pile. Composting allows the yard waste to decompose naturally with minimal effort. It also provides a home and fresh foraging for smaller animals and bugs. If you have leaves, twigs, and branches you can always look into a small mulcher. These home variety mulchers shred leaves and branches to create your own fresh mulch. You can use your fresh mulch in flower and vegetable beds or even share with your neighbors.
What if I can’t recycle yard waste at home?
If you don’t have the time, space or inclination to recycle your yard waste at home, check with your township to see if they have yard waste drop-off sites or pick-up days on schedule. In many municipalities, yard waste programs have been implemented to provide residents with a place to dispose of their yard waste. That yard waste gets recycled (composted, mulched, etc.) and is used in different community programs and for township maintenance. Your yard waste could turn into mulch that lines the park and makes it look appealing!
You can keep yard waste out of the regular trash stream by utilizing some of these ideas. It will also save you from having to bag, bundle and properly prepare your yard waste for trash pickup day.